P r o m p t s : P r o m p t s : P r o m p t s :


Some prompts I did on writing servers! Ordered by date created.

from:   It's raining outside and your neighbour is standing in the middle of the street.

It was a heavy downpour.

The water caught up to my ankles, gently brushing off my shoe as I walked back home.

I was thinking I should cook sphagetti today. Or perhaps grab some fried chicken by the street. Fried chicken had always been the best, no matter the weather.

Drops of rain splattered onto my umbrella, signifying the thoughts of random food that entered my head. I strolled through the rain with quick steps, wanting to get home and eat something unhealthy and fried already.

As I neared the block leading to my house, I spotted a familiar face standing in the rain. It was awfully uncharacteristic of him, letting the rain hit his face and just staring a hole through the sky.

"... Raine?"

I called out to him, and he answered with the silent shift of his helpless gaze towards me.

I walked faster.

As I inched closer, I carefully clutched his wet shirt and faced him directly in the eyes.

"... Do you want to eat chicken noodle soup at my house?"

The umbrella covered us from the rain as he wept on my shoulder, whispering a tiny 'yes. please.'

from:   Mail is going missing.

The open PO box met with both of our serious gazes. Inside was a normal brown envelope, probably full of documents.

"This... This is what The Oracle needs?" The words unknowingly escaped from me. "I expected something more magical like stealing a dragon egg or something."

Amy shrugged her shoulders, equally as befuddled as I was. "I don't know."

"So, we just take it?" I asked.

It could have easily been another trap similar to last time, when they sent mimic furniture after us. That had been terrifying.

"I mean, yeah."

"What? Wait! Don't just——!"

Amy, who didn't seem to have heard me correctly wrapped her hands around the envelope and took it anyway.

"Look, It's not magic." She waved the perfectly still envelope in front of her unscathed face. Then, she snapped her fingers, summoning pitch black tendrils behind her. "Let's get out of here?"

Speechless, I was forced to nod dumbly and let the void engulf me back along with her to the base.


"Did you get it?" A deep, husky voice came through the phone.

The man holding it gulped nervously.

He pondered his last goodbyes while staring at the open PO box in front of him, which shouldn't have been empty to begin with.

"Um, boss, the mail... It's gone missing."