E x c e r p t s : E x c e r p t s : E x c e r p t s :


Some excerpts from my writing! Ordered by date created.


from:   Times Up!

I was guided inside of the room, hardwood floors of white oak creaking underneath my loafers. He let me sit on a scarlet, stuffed armchair, while taking out a tray of two coffee mugs from the kitchen.

“Did you prepare this earlier?” I asked in astonishment.

“Yes? Yes, of course.”

Something inside me flurried with a warm… blank. It was hard to explain, as hardly anybody’s treated a time travelling agent like that before. Even putting in the fact that I loved coffee with cream and sugar.

“Lovely. There’s even a little bear on my coffee.” I whispered in absolute whimsical wonder, to which the old man smiled benignly at me.

from:  Time's Up!

I sighed, staring defeatedly into the sun. Not really. I couldn’t stare directly at the sun or else it’d hurt like hell, which made me feel rather jealous of brown-eyed people. I wasn't insulting my mother for welcoming me into the world with blue eyes, however it was a sentiment that kept it’s place at the back of my head. Really the only regret I’ve ever had in my life.

from:   The Trees Blow The Leaves Towards Me

There were no flowers around her house. The land was long overgrown with weeds and tall grasses, killing any chances for other plants to sprout in the area. The old woman cared for only but one cactus, a cactus that had been gifted to her by her mother. It was small and prickly, often pricking her fingers and causing scars all over her palms. The little cactus was neatly enamored with ribbons and cute decorations, its pot painted bright pink.

from:   "You could have died!" - An old prompt

He wished he could hold his hand right now, tell him it’s okay and that he wasn’t dead.

But he was a ghost right now.

And did that stop him? No, of fucking course not.

He was the biggest dimension-traveller in the world; and rulebreaking was his specialty. So, he reached out his ghostly hand to his bloodied palm, encircling it in a warm embrace. A hand embrace.

And if he saw William’s face turn slightly less pale a moment after, he didn’t mention it.