A b o u t   m e : A b o u t   m e : A b o u t   m e :

About Me

My name is polar, or you can also call me neru. I made this site because I wanted to have a little place of my own in the internet. I am a beginner in coding, and only really started learning because I wanted to make a website.

And because of that, I also started having more interest in other coding projects. A thinking bunny

Currently, I'm still trying to learn HTML/CSS, so more stuff will definitely be coming soon as soon as I get to learn how to do them! I have a lot of things I want to add to this site in the future, and generally I just want to get better at coding too. A resting bunny

By the way, all the little bunny emojis here were made by me. You can use them if you want, no credit needed.